Yay for long weekends!!!! :)
This was a great one!
So many fantubular things happened.
Friday was my very first grill session on my new BBQ!!!! :)
Saturday I browzed the Brockville Farmers Market as a spectator for once!
So fun!!!
Also went for a big long walk by the river...beautiful weather.
{photo c/o David Mackie}
Saturday night me and my peeps hung out with Jody for her birthday party!!!
Drinks, drinks and more drinks.
Sunday morning I got up at 3:45am and went to the Ottawa Farmer's Market with Mr. Avery.
On my way home from Ottawa I picked up a fridge I bought off Kijiji!
Yay for having a fridge!!! :)
When I got home at 5:30 the Fireworks party had already started and was well on it's way.
I had a good time at this party.
A very very good time.
Monday I just recouperated from a very hectic weekend.
It was so hot and sunny, I spent most of the time outside :)
Cheers to an amazeballs weekend!!!
Couldn't have asked for anything better!!!